Flughafen Dortmund GmbH
Flughafenring 11
44319 Dortmund
Postfach 13 02 61
44312 Dortmund
Tel.: +49.231.92 13-01
Fax: +49.231.92 13-125
E-mail: service@dortmund-airport.de
Internet: www.dortmund-airport.de
Commercial Register:
Dortmund Court Registry
Commercial Register No.:
HRB 2491
Chief Executive:
Ludger van Bebber
VAT No.:
DE 8111 77 563
Responsible for the content in accordance with section 55 German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement:
Ludger van Bebber (Chief Executive), address as above.
Regulatory Authority:
Münster District Authority
Domplatz 1 - 3
48143 Münster
Tel.: +49.251.411-0
Fax: +49.251.411-2525
You can find further information on the website of the Münster District Authority at: www.bezreg-muenster.nrw.de